Ok- finally a second to breathe. We made it to Europe with little to no problems, which is strange… although the flight was a little on the bumpy side and our take-off was delayed at JFK due to the heavy rain- OH YES- ALSO- our equipment was a bit damaged when we got to Germany (Nothing broken beyond repair). But the trip went smoother than usual. We made it to our first show in Karlsruhe. And despite having to make a number of adjustments and repairs, the show went ok. I say ok, because our power converters for whatever reason fell off the backside of the stage shutting off power to some, and then all of the instruments. But the crowd was enthusiastic and kept calling us back for encores. All in all, It was not a bad first show for our tour.

We made some adjustments and then it was off to Wave-Gotik-Treffen, One of the largest Darkwave events on earth. 50,000 black clad individuals in one place at one time is something to see. We played on Sunday night, in an airplane hanger called the ‘Agra Halle’. Unbelievably, It was filled to capacity. The room holds 12,000 to 15,000 people, and security shut down the entrance because too many people were trying to get in! WOW! The audience was absolutely spectacular, and this year the stage security was really helpful- one of the guards held me up as I walked the crowd barricade. I guess they knew better what to expect when I went into the audience this year 🙂

The energy in that room was just amazing, and if nothing good ever happens to CXS again, then we have been more than fortunate. It was very exciting for the band. So, to WGT and all the fans- Thanks!

We did have some relatively minor problems however, and a guitar string broke during the show… leaving ‘Deception’ a little odd sounding, but George was able to hold it together and somehow transcribed some of his guitar parts up onto another string. This was a really good night. And one I think CXS will not soon forget.

We are off to France next. And this tour looks to be a long one- between 40 and 45 shows in Europe.

Another cool note. We will be the first band from the Darkwave scene to play in Belgrade(YU) since the Sisters of Mercy played in 1990. And The first American Darkwave band there… EVER! So, I’ll try and let you know how things go as they unfold.

Much love to you all-

