It is the middle of the night and I have so much work to do. Tomorrow we leave for Dragoncon. This is always an important show for us, and i am hoping that things will come together because we have suffered a few setbacks. Holly, one of our dancers, and Dave, our merchandise guy, will not be continuing on with us on the American tour. They both have their reasons, but it has left us in a bit of a spot. We were fortunate enough to find a dancer to replace Holly… Her name is Sarah- and you can read about her on her bio page (just go to the biography page in the nav bar). We are actually really delighted with how quickly she has picked up on the choreography, but the truth is there is very little time. Still I think she will be fine.

We are really looking forward to the show on Sunday- Faith and the Muse will join us in the Centinial Hall of the Hyatt Regency (in Atlanta GA). I think the show will be a good one. Oh bugger- just noticed there’s a typo on our flyers we had printed for Dragoncon and the dates are wrong in regards to the tour listing- oh well, what can you do?

Oh-one other thing… It seems that I will be a panelist for some discussions at the con- so if you are going- be sure to check those out. Could be fun.

well, that’s it for now. Hopefully we see you in Atlanta.

Much love ro you all-

