Hi everyone,

Just a couple of quick announcements.

Firstly, we have a few festivals coming up-

On the 23rd of July we play in Paris, France. Its the Château Vaux-le-Penil Festival http://bibliotheque.cenacle.free.fr/images/FlyerDarkOmen.jpg

on the 30th of July we play in Bolkow Poland for the Castleparty Festival 2005, http://www.castleparty.com/

then in Rothenburg, Germany on the 12th of August we will play at Taubertal Festival 2005, http://www.taubertal-openair.de

the following day we will play at the M’era Luna 2005 in Hildesheim, Germany (13th of August 2005),

(more coming)

our other upcoming Europe dates are listed at http://www.cruxshadows.com/toura.html

AND of course for those of you who don’t live in Europe (and some of you who do)- we will be playing at
DragonCon 2005 (Sept 2nd – 5th in Atlanta Georgia)- and no…we do not know what day we are playing yet:-) But we hope to see you there!

Secondly, we need a favor from our German fans-
as many of you know we have entered the DAC this last week. What would really help us is for all of our fans to request our new single ForeverLast. If people dance when they play it- they will continue to play it. So its important not only to request it but to dance as well:-) If enough DJ’s play our song in the club, me may be able to land our single in the number one spot. As many of you know, CXS has had many number 2’s on the DAC – but never a number 1. Maybe if all of our fans help us out, we may be able to sneak into that number one spot. It would be nice.

that’s about it for now- I will post again soon-
